Protests by Event Type

Protests by event type

The dataset also contained categorizations of protests by type of event. For Summer 2019, the most popular event types are protest, rally, vigil, demonstration and counter protest.


Here are the most popular event types by state in 2019:

Summer 2020 seems to include these protest event types plus some more creative protest types because of COVID-19 and social distancing restrictions. Thus, we see a rise in bike ride, caravan and car caravan protest.


Here are the most popular event types by state in 2020:

We can also see event types by Date within the summer. In Summer 2019 in July, protests become more popular over rallies and August included a significant amount of vigils. The vigils were most likely linked to gun shootings that had occurred during this time period. In Summer 2020, towards the beginning of the summer it appears that rally is more common. However, protests consistently occurred the most throughout the summer.